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SOuthern california edison 

“Power line Safety”



The campaign is to educate and provide awareness Southern California Edison residential and business customers about safety around power lines, especially for people who trim trees including residential people, Industry workers and business gardeners. When trimming trees, they need to look out for power lines and stay away and keep themselves and their tools away from power lines. Campaign’s goal is to change customers mindset to avoid risky behavior around power lines and furthermore take necessary precautions around power wires so that SCE can help prevent injuries or fatalities to the public.


Since it is for a low-interest category, we needed to tell a captivating power line safety story in more than one language, we really needed an expert. A fast-talking expert. Multi-lingual expert. Who cut across ethnic groups and age groups CGI-engineered to be adorably attention-getting. From the research and focus group, we found out that people don’t recall much about safety campaign, and it was our most concern to bring people’s interest as safety around power lines are critical.


The campaign was produced in five different languages of Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese including English as SCE always tries to talk to diverse group of people and safety is critically important that can’t be missed out because of the language barrier. So, we created adorable CG squirrel who can look real like your backyard squirrel that you can easily find around power lines and love nuts that can be universal platform that can work for all ethnic groups.


Campaign is performing above benchmarks with an average CTR of 0.21% on digital banner, and additionally, the Safety Squirrel made its debut on social media in April, 2019 and has generated over 4 million impressions as of August, 2019 according to SCE social team data.


Case Study

“Tree-trimming” Pre-Roll :15 Video

“Tree-trimming” :10 Digital Video

“Party Van” :15 Digital Video

“Digging” :15 Digital Video

“Meteorologist” :15 Digital Video

“Tree-trimming”: Digital Banner (Korean & Spanish)

Translation: "Keep tools 10 feet from power lines." "Stay alert. Stay safe"

CTA: Learn More


 “Tree-trimming”: Out-of-Home





Translation: "Keep tools 10 feet from power lines."

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